In the romantic short film "Outside the Aquarium" (original title: "Außerhalb des Aquariums"), directed by Alex Mello and written by Alex Mello and Fabio Brandi Torres, starring Ana Bonfim, Frank Rafael Bosse, and Julius Dombrink, we are introduced to the world of Jonas. The film follows Jonas as he presents his new art exhibition, also titled "Outside the Aquarium." Through his paintings, Jonas shares his experience as a person of color and a member of the LGBT community. The canvases become visual reflections of his emotions, his journey of self-discovery, and his exploration of the challenges and triumphs of his path. This romantic short film offers an intimate glimpse into the power of artistic expression as a means of personal storytelling and a celebration of authenticity.
Original version in German
Subtitles: French, English, Portuguese, Spanish